
Japan ACRE high performance brake skin Detailed - Formula 800C

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Japan ACRE high performance brake skin Detailed - Formula 800C

Date of issue:2017-12-27 00:00 Source:http://en.chezvi.com Click:

We say ACRE is a high-performance brake pad that is not groundless, but it was born and tested by the track and repeated trials by the ACRE team. For example, as early as 2010, ACRE brake pads won the championship of the RACEING PRO equipment on the Fuji CHAMPION RACE SILVIA, 180SX turbo class, Rode star (MX5) N1 class, Rode star (MX5) cup NA8class. . Therefore, the rich track experience is that ACRE brake pads have the following characteristics:

1) ACRE has overwhelming braking performance compared to the original car brake pad, which greatly improves the maneuverability!


2) The high quality of raw materials, effective braking noise and the "dust" on the hub, the most critical is that the absolute ratio makes ACRE's brake pads reduce about 75% of the dust!


3) Optimized handling, making vehicles easier to operate on the street!


4) The use of carbon membrane material, so it can play a high degree of braking force and perfect control performance in many environments!


5) Pay attention to the initial braking force and the degree of control, and realize the drift and arbitrary point of view of various venues!


6) A long and durable multi-purpose brake pad is realized!


7) The advantages of the initial braking and the perfect sense of control are realized, and it is possible to cope with the NPR SPRINT RACE to the semi-endurance!


8) Strength, strong heat resistance, crack resistance

      For the 800C, in addition to the above features such as low dust and low noise. Its resistance temperature range is between normal temperature and -800°C, friction coefficient is 0.35-0.65, and the material is carbon ceramic brake pad. The material used is extremely elegant, which makes the 800C a universal and adaptable. One of the models. Take the brake brand as an example. For most models of AP Racing, the caliper ACRE can be adapted.

1) AP Racing Caliper ACRE Bracers










       AP Racing 卡钳比较经典的卡钳ACRE刹车皮都可以找到匹配,Brembo卡钳同样可以找到ACRE匹配皮:

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BMW MP replaces the brake pads

For such a good and versatile and extremely cost-effective track brake, it actually has many applications. Sometimes replacing a suitable brake pad will not only improve the braking performance, but also improve your driving ability. Safety performance.


Relevant labels:Brakekit

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