
泰兴EBC Yellow Stuff 4000 Series Yellow

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泰兴EBC Yellow Stuff 4000 Series Yellow

  • Classification:泰兴EBC brake pads

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  • Date of issue:2018/05/25
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Yellow Stuff 4000 Service (Yellow Leather)

High temperature 850°C, coefficient of friction 0.5

Features: All event materials, less powder, do not hurt the dish,

More resistant to low temperatures and better bite (to solve the need for warm-up of the race skin)

Has passed the EU R90 certification:

Can be used as a freeway,

Suitable for intense driving in the street, Track day

Made of all event materials,

Suitable for high temperature use, good durability.

This new formula sets a new trend in racing skin materials.

Maintaining low temperature performance is very rare in race materials (the racing skin generally needs to warm up)

This brake pad can be safely used on the freeway or track.

The EBC yellow skin has been selected by the British Diamond Circuit as the exclusive brake pads for the Lotus and Ferrari track teams.

Also used by many British police sections

Relevant labels:EBCbrakepads,EBCYellowStuff4000Seriesyellowleatherprices,EBCYellowStuff4000Seriesyellowleatherwholesale

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    No.99, BaGua 2nd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China

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