
Lightweight new Sparta Evolution T6PA-R sports suit hits!

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Lightweight new Sparta Evolution T6PA-R sports suit hits!

Date of issue:2017-10-21 00:00 Source:http://en.chezvi.com Click:

Before we introduced the T6PA-R caliper, this lightweight athletic caliper specially designed by SPARTA can maintain all the advantages of the original brake system, and at the same time further enhance the braking effect of the car.

      这款R版卡钳采用了新型铝合金材料AL(2014-T6) 通过锻造工艺打造而成,做到了使其所有性能保持在最高值上并有效的减轻重量蕴含重量轻,刚度强的特点。


The overall frame design of the caliper allows it to have efficient ventilation performance. All athletic calipers use the FMSI standard brake pad model, which allows unlimited selection of brake pads, using an anodized surface treatment process instead of powder coating and coloring. Strengthen the caliper cooling function.


The lightweight design of the R version of the Athletic Caliper makes the weight of this new caliper lighter than competitive calipers, reducing overall weight by more than 15%.

 The new T6PA-R with a new pattern of brake discs, more flutes to better increase the brake pad and brake disc bite, effectively reducing noise and vibration.

It is not difficult to be a track player. It is not necessary to drive a car to get off the track. You don't have to be the latest and best car to have fun. Not to fill a car with expensive modified parts. , you can immediately become a racer, just do some of the right decisions to choose some appropriate conversion parts can let you safely enjoy the fun of racing!1456798731145748.jpg

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